Ways To Serve

Ways To Give

Online Giving

Our secure online giving system allows you to either give a one-time donation or a recurring contribution using your preferred payment method. Your gift can be designated to the general offering, or to the fund of your choice.


Gifts can be sent by mail or dropped off in person at our central location at:
First Methodist Church Union City
420 East Main Street
​Union City, TN 38261



Within Our Church
Participants in our Evangelism and Hospitality Ministries love people. They possess a desire to radiate the warmth and welcome of Christ to all who come our way. The ministry of hospitality is an extension of the welcome Christ offers to all through his love and grace. As a congregation we want to live this out as we offer fellowship and love to others. If God has given you the gift of hospitality and a love for people, prayerfully consider becoming part of this ministry.




Jesus spent his life going about serving others. Pouring himself out, caring for the suffering, seeking the lost, encouraging the hopeless, and comforting the grieving were tangible expressions of God’s love to a hurting world. As followers of Christ, we too are called to imitate Jesus by serving those around us. To that end, we are committed to reaching out with the love of Christ as we seek to serve the least and the lost.

Children’s Backpack Ministry
Christmas Socks
Feeding of the 5,000
Knit-Wits Knitting Ministry
Military Care-Packages
Mission of the Month
Reelfoot Rural Ministries
Soul Food Café
Wednesday Meal Delivery

Congregational Care

Following Christ means caring for one another through acts of Christian caregiving. It is the gift of walking with others through the difficult places in life that bears witness to our love for God and for our neighbor. The Apostle Paul urged early believers to edify, encourage, and care for one another as a sign of their love for Christ and as a means of building up the body of Christ. With that in mind, these are some of the current ways in which we seek to offer Christian care to one another.
Flower Team Ministry
Bereavement Food Team
Card Ministry
Communion to the Homebound
Homebound Christmas Baskets
New Baby Ministry
Nursing Home Sing-a-longs