
At every age and station of life the Church stands ready to nurture, guide, and enrich life. This is true not only in the lives of children and youth, but also in the lives of adults. Each stage of adulthood has its own unique blessings and challenges. From college life and the young-adult years, to perhaps marriage, starting and raising a family, college-life, vocation development, mid-life, retirement, and becoming an older adult there are both celebrations to be enjoyed and questions to ponder. We believe personal faith development is important. The truth is none of us have it all figured out. That means we all need the support and direction of other adults to walk with us through life’s journey.

Sundays Opportunities

New Covenant (men and women, all ages)
Branches (young men and women)
Upper Room (men and women)
Character Builders (men only)
Bro. Dan’s Adult Sunday School Class  (men and women)  Meet in The Lion’s Den

Tommy and Colleen Cates Young Adult Sunday School Class (men and women)

Weekday Opportunities

Women’s Bible Study
Pastor’s Bible Study 
Promise Keepers